Flying coffee-自家烘焙 - Lane 73

4.9/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Flying coffee-自家烘焙

地址 :

108, Taiwan, Taipei City, Wanhua District, Lane 73, Dongyuan St, 98號Flying coffee-自家烘焙

電話 : 📞 +88
網站 :
城市 : Dongyuan St

108, Taiwan, Taipei City, Wanhua District, Lane 73, Dongyuan St, 98號Flying coffee-自家烘焙
Marucs Yellow on Google

自烘自煮的現泡咖啡,進了店裡就沈浸在洋溢著咖啡香的環境。我對咖啡豆不熟悉,老闆也會跟我聊聊再推薦適合我個人口味的專業咖啡建議,很棒! 這裡喝到的咖啡只要慢慢用心品嚐,就可以嚐到有很多層次的味覺饗宴,想好好品味咖啡的美好風味都可以來試試看喔!
Self-roasted and brewed freshly brewed coffee, you will be immersed in an environment full of coffee aroma when you enter the store. I'm not familiar with coffee beans, the boss will also chat with me and recommend professional coffee suggestions that suit my personal taste, great! As long as you taste the coffee here slowly and carefully, you can taste the feast of taste with many layers. If you want to taste the good flavor of coffee, you can try it!
Chloe Tao on Google

一直在尋覓附近的手作甜點,終於讓我找到了! 店裡主要是賣自己烘焙的咖啡,個人比較少喝中淺焙的拿鐵,但也很濃郁,整體很不錯。
I have been looking for hand-made desserts nearby, and finally I found it! The shop mainly sells self-roasted coffee, and I rarely drink medium-light roasted latte, but it is also very rich and overall is very good.
應修平Grace S. Ying on Google

The environment is comfortable, the coffee is delicious, there are many kinds of desserts, there are sockets and wifi
徐翊玲 on Google

老闆很親切,會給我選擇咖啡的建議,很好喝 店內裝潢陳設簡單卻很有氣氛,可以很舒服的吃塊老闆自己做的新鮮蛋糕,而且常常換,不會每次吃到都一樣 濾掛咖啡買回去很棒,香味十足,很適合送禮,朋友都很喜歡 真心推薦❤❤❤
The boss is very kind and will give me advice on choosing coffee, it's delicious The decoration and furnishings in the shop are simple but very atmospheric. You can comfortably eat a piece of fresh cake made by the boss himself, and often change it, not the same every time. The filter hanging coffee is great when bought back, full of aroma, very suitable for gifts, friends like it very much Really recommend ❤❤❤
Cathy Wu on Google

二訪 隔了好幾個月再訪, 店內擺設做了些許微調, 感覺老板很在意在每個小細節。 這次點了檸檬西西里咖啡+白葡萄生乳酪派, 檸檬西西里咖啡杯內充滿細碎的小冰塊, 檸檬的酸味跟咖啡又達到完美的平衡, 吞下後嘴內又充斥著檸檬香氣, 在濕熱的夏日午後來一杯真的很消暑, 這真的好好喝哦! 再來說下那個白葡萄生乳酪派, 端上來時上層的葡萄果凍層好可愛, 老闆說還有加入荔枝酒, 吃下Q彈又滑嫩,葡萄大顆又多汁, 起士在嘴內慢慢融化時, 又咬出葡萄的水分跟香氣, 真的好特別的體驗, 視覺跟口味ㄧ次滿足。 —————— 在疫情爆發前去過, 覺得吧台前的位子真的超棒的, 可以跟老板閒聊各種咖啡知識, 還可以聞到老板手沖咖啡時第一手濃郁的咖啡香, 真的是VIP級的享受! 老闆對於咖啡的知識很高捏, 且還會自己烘焙咖啡豆真的好利害, 不管是喜歡哪種培度一定可以找到喜歡的豆子跟咖啡。 還有老板自己手工做的甜點用料也好實在,當天去的太晚,只剩下起士蛋糕, 一入口就是超濃奶味衝出來, 份量上也超乎想像,老闆真的是要你吃好也要吃飽啊, 整體吃完卻不覺得膩,整體完美平衡。 是一家可以感受到老板處處用心經營的咖啡店,等過陣子役情平穩一定會再訪的溫馨咖啡店。
Second visit Visited again after several months, The decoration in the store has been slightly adjusted, I feel that the boss is very concerned about every little detail. This time I ordered lemon Sicilian coffee + white grape yogurt pie, The lemon Sicilian coffee cup is filled with finely crushed ice cubes, The sourness of lemon and coffee have reached a perfect balance, After swallowing, the mouth is filled with lemon scent, After a hot and humid summer afternoon, a cup is really cool, This is really delicious! Let’s talk about the white grape yoghurt pie, The grape jelly layer on the upper layer is so cute when served, The boss said he would add lychee wine, After eating Q bombs, they are smooth and tender, and the grapes are large and juicy. When the cheese slowly melted in the mouth, Bite out the moisture and aroma of grapes again, It's really a special experience, The vision and taste are satisfied for one time. —————— Been there before the outbreak, I think the seat in front of the bar is really great, You can chat with the boss about all kinds of coffee knowledge, You can also smell the first-hand strong coffee aroma when the boss makes coffee. It's really a VIP-level enjoyment! The boss is very knowledgeable about coffee, And it’s really good to roast coffee beans by yourself, No matter what kind of culture you like, you can definitely find your favorite beans and coffee. And the ingredients for the desserts made by the owner himself are so real. I went too late that day and only cheesecake was left. At the first entrance, the super milky flavor comes out, The serving size is beyond imagination. The boss really wants you to eat well and be full. I don't feel greasy after eating the whole, and the whole is perfectly balanced. It is a coffee shop where you can feel the boss's heart and soul, and you will definitely visit it again after a while.
PEGGY LIN on Google

檸檬西西里咖啡$120,好好喝 平常喝無糖的人,也很可以,搭配檸檬的酸度,剛剛好。 肉桂捲$55,肉桂味道濃淡適宜,價格實惠,外酥內軟,讚
Lemony Sicilian Coffee $120, good drink People who usually drink sugar-free are also very good, and the acidity of the lemon is just right. Cinnamon rolls $55
Steve Zhou on Google

Flying Coffee 咖啡豆:衣索比亞 阿瑞斯 梁山伯 海拔1900~2200m 水洗 淺烘 紅茶 花香 佛手柑(老闆推薦⋯)。 磨豆機看起來應該是小飛馬,沒有注意到是哪種刀盤及有沒有先洗豆,但是老闆推薦的直覺是一直在磨梁山伯這顆豆子(其實是我剛好在外面吞雲吐霧)。 手沖程序中規中矩,採分段式注水,尾段直沖中央,減少苦澀。 果酸味濃郁,降溫後香味依然濃郁,入口後具有回甘滋味。 售價:150元 氣氛:如圖!安靜,人少,下次應該帶本書來看。 離開前與老闆交流,推薦了濾掛及咖啡豆,無奈自己買了太多咖啡豆(另外還有230包湛盧濾掛即將到貨),店家離我家3分鐘,喝完缺貨可以就近購買。
Flying Coffee Coffee beans: Ethiopian Ares Liang Shanbo, 1900~2200m above sea level, washed, lightly roasted, black tea, floral, bergamot (recommended by the boss...). The bean grinder should look like a little Pegasus. I didn’t notice what kind of cutter head it was and whether the beans were washed first, but the intuition recommended by the boss is that I have been grinding Liang Shanbo’s beans (actually, I just happened to be outside. ). The hand flushing procedure is quite satisfactory, adopting segmented water injection, and the tail section goes straight to the center to reduce bitterness. The fruit has a strong sour taste, the aroma is still strong after cooling down, and it has a sweet taste after the mouth. Price: 150 yuan Atmosphere: as shown! Quiet, with few people, I should bring this book next time. Before leaving, I communicated with the boss and recommended the filter and coffee beans, but I bought too many coffee beans by myself (there are also 230 bags of Zhanlu filter are coming soon). The store is 3 minutes away from my home. You can buy it nearby if you are out of stock. .
呂俊毅 on Google


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