Yongjing Temple

4.3/5 基於 8 評論

Contact Yongjing Temple

地址 :

No. 9, Jinxi St, Zhongshan District, Taipei City, Taiwan 10449

電話 : 📞 +888
網站 : http://yjm.retaoist.org/
城市 : Taipei City

No. 9, Jinxi St, Zhongshan District, Taipei City, Taiwan 10449
Fun Super on Google

遇到法會,門口排桌拜拜,爻杯,內底滿滿的人 左右兩邊滿滿的神主牌,香煙乎歸間空氣真歹,有賓儀館的感覺,真恐怖,出來感覺愛找所在淨身
When encountering a Fa conference, there are tables in front of the door for worship, cups, the inner bottom is full of people, the left and right sides are full of god cards, cigarettes are like returning home, the air is really bad, it feels like a guest house, it’s really scary, I feel like I want to find a place to come out Body wash
陳哲威 on Google

感覺很舒服 古意盎然跟整個城市完全不同
It feels very comfortable. The ancient meaning is completely different from the whole city
busy bee on Google

I walked through the city of Zhuren and I came here by chance. It was morning, and after that there were Japanese women and it was reserved only by us. It was an atmosphere where time was flowing slowly and slowly.
陳福建 on Google

永靜廟是一座古老不大的齋廟,主祀孚佑帝君,已有8--90年歷史了。位於錦西街9號近天祥路口,旁邊有棟古老平房,寬廣的庭院種植幾棵大樹,其中一棵ˋˋ朴樹ˊˊ列為台北市保護樹木,高築圍牆並架鐵絲網,在牆外無法一窺老別墅面貌,比起老別墅,永靜廟就更顯得狹長了。 捷運雙連站ˋ民生西路45巷雙連傳統市場底,錦西街上明亮耀眼色彩的永靜廟,不難吸引路人的注意,走進廟牌門,望眼所及盡是古老建築雕塑,二層樓高廟宇空間擺設顯得集中擁擠,木雕品都有90年歷史的味道,主神孚佑帝君恭奉在二樓。據傳此廟涉及相關大法官釋字200號解釋。
Yong Jing Temple is an ancient temple little fast, commanding Fuyoudijun, eight - - 90 years old. Kam is located near West Street 9 Intertek intersection, next to the ancient buildings bungalow, wide garden planting a few trees, where a'''' as hackberry trees Taipei protection, run up walls and barbed wire shelf, not in a wall glimpse of the old house look, compared to the old house, never quiet the temple all the more narrow. MRT dual attached station 'Minsheng Road 45, Lane double the traditional end of the market, Jinxi streets dazzling bright colors Wing quiet temple, it is easy to attract the attention of passers-by, went into the temple card door, looking old building full of eye clinics sculpture, two-story tall temple furnishings seem focused crowded space, wood carvings have 90-year history of taste, the Lord God Fuyoudijun enshrine on the second floor. The temple is rumored to related justices release 200 word explanation.
Darkpt Chen on Google

每次廟會就得喇叭開到最大 是深怕神明聽不到念經嗎
Every temple fair has to turn on the loudspeaker to the max Are you afraid that the gods won't hear the chanting?
柯勇堅 on Google

台灣難得集合少見佛、道、儒三教合一的廟宇.廟宇有點老舊 感覺沒有香客一間廟宇
It is a rare collection of temples in Taiwan that combine Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism. The temple is a bit old and I feel that there is no temple for pilgrims.
Dao Taiwan on Google

C'est un temple âgé de 90 ans, il combine le bouddhisme, le taoïsme et le confucianisme, un exemple montrant la diversité des croyances religieuses à Taïwan. Le temple est une combinaison d'architecture orientale et occidentale, avec des fenêtres octogonales et des sculptures de dragon au plafond. Un endroit en contraste avec les bâtiments voisins, qui vous plongera dans une atmosphère atypique.
It is a 90-year-old temple, it combines Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism, an example showing the diversity of religious beliefs in Taiwan. The temple is a combination of Eastern and Western architecture, with octagonal windows and dragon carvings on the ceiling. A place in contrast to the neighboring buildings, which will immerse you in an atypical atmosphere.
André Correia on Google

Very cute small temple.

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