原嘉義城隍廟戲臺(林宅時敏堂) - East District

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Contact 原嘉義城隍廟戲臺(林宅時敏堂)

地址 :

600, Taiwan, Chiayi City, East District, Taidou St, 124號原嘉義城隍廟戲臺(林宅時敏堂)

城市 : Taidou St

600, Taiwan, Chiayi City, East District, Taidou St, 124號原嘉義城隍廟戲臺(林宅時敏堂)
幸娟吳 on Google

Che-chia Liang (捲爺) on Google

張元耀 on Google

陳映臻 on Google

Good school sisters
huangjou on Google

Historical memory
游筱嵩 on Google

It is listed as a historical building. At present, the roof is covered with iron sheet protected by the government, but there are still people living there. Don't disturb them ~
Shih-Hung Chiang on Google

林家後代啟動修復計畫,邀請台南大木作匠師蕭勝壬等人,進行桁木抽換和仿作等工程。林宅不僅是典型的中日合併建築,其正廳屋頂最高主樑處,更畫有兩面中華民國國旗,可說是見證了台灣歷史的變遷。 從事古蹟、歷史建築及寺廟修復2、30年的大木師傅蕭勝壬說,尚未見過戲台式閩南建築,同時融入日式建材及工法,相當「有看頭」。舉例來說,室內中央最主要的四根柱子,又稱四點金柱,向外延伸至大門口兩側的廊角柱,原為戲台文武場區。後來因應屋主居住需求調整格局,以日式編竹夾泥牆及抿石子磁磚牆等增加隔間,使得林宅有別於一般閩式住宅風格。 蕭勝壬指出,林宅正廳上方兩側木構架,可見以三根通樑、五個瓜筒組砌而成的三角形棟架,又名三通五瓜。其下方有龍頭魚身造型的木雕,稱為鰲魚,除消災祈福外,也意指獨佔鰲頭、金榜題名,具備加強斗拱結構的功能,為傳統閩式建築常見的裝飾之一;另他推測,當年戲台改建為住宅時,應是請日本師傅協助,約可從大門上方樑柱結構,以ㄇ字型「螞蝗釘」側向固定構件、兩旁窗戶仍保有日式住宅獨有的「戶袋」,即防颱板收納處,以及使用日本特有工法「追掛榫」接合桁木等線索判斷,是一典型的中日合併建築。 蕭勝壬解釋,「桁木」為屋樑上的橫木。抽換工程前需一一檢視其損壞情況,畢竟木頭最怕潮濕環境,易產生白蟻侵蝕,若腐朽嚴重者,直接依原有尺寸更換為同等級柳杉木,堪用者則以新材填補舊料裂縫為修復原則。他強調新舊木料黏合處,既不影響建築主結構,又能維持老建築氛圍。 待在只有屋樑結構下的林宅正廳,抬頭一望,大樑彩繪清晰可見,正中央繪太極八卦圖,另一側有兩面中華民國國旗。對此林家後代林良華憶起,該處曾各有一面日本軍旗和國旗,後來為慶祝台灣光復而改作現狀。修復完成後,林宅戲台也將延續近百年前的功能,舉辦音樂會及文物展等藝文活動,傳承先人回饋社會的情懷,同時提醒後輩子孫飲水思源。 歷史建築原嘉義城隍廟戲臺(嘉義林宅)修復工程,目前林宅原有屋瓦已全數拆除,也完成盤點大木構件部分,並視受損程度以不同顏色布條標記,共編列至少有40個工項,以修舊如舊方式,恢復早期運用舊戲臺構架,發展成住宅空間的獨特樣貌。 嘉義城隍廟距今至少有300年歷史。根據史料記載,廟埕曾於大正11年(1922年)至昭和15年(1940年)間,建有戲臺(即接近現牌樓之處)。由當時在地商賈林寬敏捐資起建,以供酬神謝戲。同時推動成立宣講堂,透過講解經文與善書,落實社會教化功能;爾後廟方為靈活運用廟前廣場,擬將戲臺拆除,林寬敏長子林文章得知後,為感念父親善行,遂買下遺存構材,移建至台斗街現址,並重新規劃調整內部格局,增加房間數、廚房及衛浴等居住機能,作為住家使用。 嘉義市台斗街林宅由國定古蹟嘉義城隍廟的戲臺改建而成,保有傳統漳州木構特色,並融入日式建築元素,具歷史文化及藝術價值,CE 2009年登錄為嘉義市歷史建築,但年久失修且多處受損,嘉義市府斥資985萬元修復,預計最快110年4月完成,希望再現林宅風華,並提供民眾認識古蹟的教育場域。 林宅正廳兩側可看出保存完整的漳州木構架原樣,近看神龕後方門板既有對聯下方,也能隱約發現「城仰威靈拜回廟中酬厚澤,隍稱綏靖歌喧臺上答天恩」等對聯字句。 正廳後方增建空間,有多年封藏在天花板內,疑似為戲臺的原色木構彩繪等,多項構件線索均顯示,林宅曾為嘉義城隍廟的戲臺構件搬遷再利用的痕跡。 林宅採用舊戲臺的構架,再構築發展成現有住宅空間,並融入當時日治時期所流行的造型與建材等,是一典型的中日合併建築,更可以說是完全體現60多年前「舊建築再利用」的觀念,既活化舊建物空間,又重新賦予建築物新機能,彼此共存一舉兩得。 嘉義城隍廟距今至少有300年歷史。根據史料記載,廟埕曾於大正11年(CE 1922年)至昭和15年(CE 1940年)間,建有戲臺(即接近現牌樓之處),由當時在地商賈林寬敏捐資起建,以供酬神謝戲。 同時推動成立宣講堂,透過講解經文與善書,落實社會教化功能;爾後廟方為靈活運用廟前廣場,擬將戲臺拆除,林寬敏長子林文章得知後,為感念父親善行,遂買下遺存構材,移建至台斗街現址,並重新規畫調整內部格局,增加房間數、廚房及衛浴等居住機能,作為住家使用。 嘉義市歷史建築原嘉義城隍廟戲臺(林家)修復工程由廖明哲建築師事務所設計規劃監造、天驥營造有限公司負責工程施作,歷經400日曆天,建築本體即將完工,重現當年城隍廟前作為戲臺的歷史現場。 工程以修復建築本體,包括屋頂漏水,及單彩加固清潔為主,讓建築物保存更完善,並留下當代材料與生活痕跡。建築師稱,傳統建築多為紅色,但林家採綠色為主色調,且為中日合璧,看起來格外典雅;並提到「阿公捐助,兒子買回,孫子提報歷史建築」是非常難得的三代歷程,未來建築預計作為展示空間,後方則用作文物介紹。 林寬敏先生捐助戲臺,就是企業社會責任的精神,再由林文章先生買回重建,以及林良甲先生提報歷史建築。 大正11年(CE 1922年)義順商號林寬敏先生在嘉義市發跡白手起家,為回饋社會、教化人心,出資興建捐贈城隍廟戲臺,作為宣講堂兼戲臺使用。昭和15年(CE 1940年)城隍廟重修完成後,基於廟埕廣場靈活運用及吳鳳北路擴寬原因,擬將戲臺拆除,林寬敏之子林文章得知後,為感念父親善行,遂買下遺存構材,回台斗街現址重建,作為住宅使用。林寬敏之孫林良甲先生經由友人提醒,該建築彩繪雕刻非常精彩,便主動提報歷史建築,市府於CE 2009年登錄為歷史建築。 戲臺內有2件文物牌匾,一面「可以觀」由林寬敏先生所作,取自孔子稱《詩經》可以興、觀、群、怨,是戲臺兼作宣講堂的重要意涵。另一為昭和15年林文章先生拆除構件至台斗街重建,並於門樘上提「時敏堂」,取自《書經.說命下》:「惟學遜志,務時敏,厥脩乃來」,用以告誡後代子孫應謙虛勤學。 這棟歷史建築重建於動盪時代,戲臺本身為漳州建築再融合日式建築形式,是建築特色之一,戲臺梁柱上栩栩如生的鰲魚雕刻與太師屏上色彩鮮豔的彩繪藝術十分精彩,不僅戲臺具歷史價值,也見證林家對嘉義市發展的貢獻。根據調查研究資料顯示,正廳內彩繪皆保留大正與昭和時期彩繪,單彩部分則保留日治大正、昭和與民國51年三個時期。彩繪部分需要再執行調查研究後才能修護,後續將彩繪修護工項作為第二階段修復目標。 [時敏堂]曾經是國定古蹟嘉義城隍廟戲台,原為嘉義商賈林寬敏先生於大正11年(CE 1922年)所捐建。城隍廟因道路拓寬翻修,欲拆除戲臺,林寬敏長子林文章買下遺存構材,在台斗街現址重新建構當住家使用。現在後代已不住此,打算規畫成文史展示空間,便和文化局合作修復。 修復工程目前由台南大木作匠師蕭勝壬等人展開桁木抽換和仿作等作業,蕭勝壬說,他從事古蹟、寺廟修復2、30年,尚未見過戲台式的閩南建築,且同時融入日式建材及工法,中日合璧的時敏堂相當「有看頭」。 蕭勝壬推測,戲台改建為住宅時,應有請日本師傅協助,但主梁上的彩繪是否當時所畫?林家後代只記得日本軍旗改國旗,其他已不可考,文化局文化資產科長林朝基說,要追究國旗彩繪年代,最久可追溯到1940年,即約80年前。 [時敏堂]是少見戲台式閩南建築,融入日式建材及工法,因後來屋主居住需求調整格局,以日式編竹夾泥牆及抿石子磁磚牆增加隔間,兩旁窗戶保有日式住宅獨有的「戶袋」,即防颱板收納處,以及使用日本特有工法「追掛榫」接合桁木等。 目前林宅以「修舊如舊」方式恢復早期舊戲台構架,修復過程處處驚奇,林宅正廳大梁彩繪清晰可見,正中央繪太極八卦圖,還有兩面中華民國國旗。林家後代林良華說,該處曾各有一面日本軍旗和國旗,後來為慶祝台灣光復都改成國旗。
The descendants of the Lin family launched a restoration project and invited Tainan master carpenter Xiao Shengren and others to carry out such projects as replacement of beams and imitations. Lin's House is not only a typical Sino-Japanese merger, but the highest main beam of the main hall roof is painted with two flags of the Republic of China, which can be said to have witnessed the changes in Taiwan's history. Xiao Shengren, a large wooden master who has been engaged in the restoration of monuments, historical buildings and temples for two or thirty years, said that he has not seen the Taiwanese architecture of Taiwanese style, and incorporates Japanese-style building materials and construction methods. For example, the four main pillars in the center of the room, also known as four-point golden pillars, extend outward to the corner pillars on both sides of the main entrance, which were originally the stage civil and martial arts area. Later, the layout was adjusted to meet the housing needs of the homeowners, and partitions were added with Japanese-style bamboo mortar walls and squeezed stone magnetic brick walls, which made the Lin House different from the general Min-style residential style. Xiao Shengren pointed out that the wooden frames on both sides of the upper part of the main hall of the Lin House can be seen as a triangular frame made up of three beams and five melon tubes, also known as three links and five melons. Below it is a wooden sculpture with a dragon head and a fish body, called a fish. In addition to eliminating disasters and praying for blessings, it also means being the leader and titled on the gold list. It has the function of strengthening the bucket arch structure. It is one of the common decorations of traditional Fujian-style architecture; he speculated that When the stage was converted into a residence, it was supposed to be assisted by a Japanese master. The beam and pillar structure above the gate could be fixed with the "macro nails" on the side. The "bag", which is the anti-platen storage area, and the use of Japanese unique construction method "chasing tenon" to join the girders and other clues to judge, is a typical Sino-Japanese combined building. Xiao Shengren explained that "beams" are horizontal beams on the roof beams. Check the damage condition one by one before the replacement project. After all, wood is most afraid of damp environment, which is prone to termite erosion. Material cracks are the principle of repair. He emphasized that the bonding of new and old wood materials does not affect the main structure of the building, but also maintains the atmosphere of the old building. Staying in the main hall of Lin's house under the roof beam structure, when you look up, you can clearly see the colorful paintings on the beams, with the Tai Chi gossip picture painted in the center, and two Republic of China flags on the other side. Lin Lianghua, a descendant of the Lin family, recalled that the place once had a Japanese military flag and a national flag, and later changed it to the status quo to celebrate Taiwan's recovery. After the restoration is completed, the Linzhai Stage will continue to function as it was nearly a hundred years ago. It will hold concerts and cultural relics exhibitions and other art activities to pass on the feelings of the ancestors to give back to the society, and at the same time remind future generations to drink water and think about the source. The original Chiayi City God’s Temple Theatre (Chiayi Lin’s House) restoration project for the historical building. At present, all the original roof tiles of the Lin House have been demolished. The large wooden components have also been counted. The project, in a way of repairing the old as before, restores the early use of the old stage structure and develops it into a unique appearance of residential space. The Chiayi City God Temple has a history of at least 300 years. According to historical records, the temple was built with a stage (near the current archway) from the 11th year of Taisho (1922) to the 15th year of Showa (1940). It was built with donations from local merchant Jia Lin Kuanmin at the time as a reward for the show. At the same time, the establishment of a lecture hall was promoted to implement the social education function by explaining the scriptures and good books. Afterwards, the temple was to flexibly use the square in front of the temple, and the stage was planned to be demolished. After learning of the article, Lin Kuanmin’s eldest son, Lin bought it in memory of his father’s good deeds. The remaining structures were moved to the current site of Taidou Street, and the internal layout was re-planned and adjusted to increase the number of rooms, kitchen and bathroom and other residential functions for residential use. The Forest House on Taidou Street, Chiayi City was rebuilt from the stage of the National Historic Site Chiayi Chenghuang Temple. It retains the traditional Zhangzhou wooden structure and incorporates Japanese architectural elements. It has historical, cultural and artistic value. It was registered as a historical building in Chiayi City in 2009. It has been in disrepair and damaged in many places. The Chiayi City Government has spent 9.85 million yuan to repair it. It is expected to be completed in April 110 at the earliest. It hopes to reproduce the elegance of the forest house and provide an educational field for the public to learn about the historical sites. On both sides of the main hall of the Lin House, you can see the intact timber frame of Zhangzhou. If you look closely at the back door of the shrine, there are both under the couplet, and you can also vaguely find that "Answer to Heaven" and other couplet sentences. The additional space behind the main hall has been sealed in the ceiling for many years, and the original color wood paintings suspected to be the stage. Many clues to the components show that Lin Zhai was a trace of the relocation and reuse of the stage components of the Chiayi Chenghuang Temple. The Lin House adopts the structure of the old stage, and then builds and develops it into the existing residential space, and incorporates the popular modeling and building materials during the Japanese Occupation period. It is a typical Sino-Japanese merger building. The concept of "building reuse" not only revitalizes the space of the old building, but also re-emerges the building with new functions, coexisting with one bird with two birds with one stone. The Chiayi City God Temple has a history of at least 300 years. According to historical records, the temple was built between Taisho 11 (CE 1922) and Showa 15 (CE 1940) with a stage (close to the current archway). Give reward to God and thank the show. At the same time, the establishment of a lecture hall was promoted to implement the social education function by explaining the scriptures and good books. Afterwards, the temple was to flexibly use the square in front of the temple, and the stage was planned to be demolished. After learning of the article, Lin Kuanmin’s eldest son, Lin bought it in memory of his father’s good deeds. The remaining structures were moved to the current site of Taidou Street, and the internal layout was re-planned and adjusted to increase the number of rooms, kitchen and bathroom and other residential functions for residential use. The restoration project of the original Chiayi City God Temple Stage (Lin's House), a historical building in Chiayi City, was designed, planned and supervised by Liao Mingzhe Architects, and Tianji Construction Co., Ltd. was responsible for the construction. After 400 calendar days, the main building is about to be completed. As a historical scene of the stage. The project focuses on repairing the building's body, including roof leakage, and single-color reinforcement and cleaning, so that the building can be better preserved, leaving contemporary materials and traces of life. The architect said that most of the traditional buildings are red, but the main color of Lin’s family is green, and the combination of Chinese and Japanese looks extraordinarily elegant. He also mentioned that “grandfather donated, son bought back, grandson reported historic buildings” is very rare. Three generations of history, the future building is expected to be used as an exhibition space, and the rear is used as an introduction to cultural relics. Mr. Lin Kuanmin’s donation to the stage is the spirit of corporate social responsibility. Mr. Lin Wenwen will buy back for reconstruction, and Mr. Lin Liangjia will report on the historical buildings. In the 11th year of the Taisho era (CE 1922), Mr. Lin Kuanmin, a Yishun company, made his fortune in Chiayi City. In order to give back to the society and educate the people, he invested in the construction of the donated Chenghuang Temple stage, which was used as a lecture hall and stage. After the reconstruction of the Chenghuang Temple in Showa 15 (CE 1940) was completed, due to the flexible use of the temple square and the widening of Wufeng North Road, the stage was planned to be demolished. After learning about the article by Lin Kuanmin’s son, Lin, he bought it in memory of his father’s good deeds. The remaining structures will be rebuilt at the current site in Taidou Street and used as a residence. Mr. Lin Kuanmin’s Sun Lin Liangjia was reminded by friends that the building’s colorful painting and carvings were very exciting, so he took the initiative to report the historical building, and the city government registered it as a historical building in CE 2009. There are two cultural relic plaques in the stage. One side is "observable" by Mr. Lin Kuanmin, taken from Confucius's claim that the "Book of Songs" can prosper, observe, group, and resent. It is an important connotation that the stage doubles as a lecture hall. The other is that in Showa 15 Mr. Lin Wenwen dismantled the components to rebuild Taidou Street, and mentioned "Shimintang" on the gate, which was taken from "Book of Books. "Said Mingxia": "Only learn is not aspiring, be sensitive to the time, and come to Xiu." It is used to warn future generations that they should be humble and diligent in learning. This historical building was rebuilt in a turbulent era. The stage itself is a Zhangzhou architecture and then integrated with Japanese architectural forms. It is one of the architectural features. The lifelike fish sculptures on the stage beams and the brightly colored paintings on the Taishi screen are very exciting, not only The stage has historical value and it also bears witness to the Lin Family's contribution to the development of Chiayi City. According to research data, the colored paintings in the main hall retain the Taisho and Showa period colored paintings, and the single color part retains the three periods of Japanese rule Taisho, Showa and the 51 years of the Republic of China. The painted part needs to be repaired after further investigation and research, and the painted repair work item will be taken as the second stage repair target in the follow-up. [Shimintang] was once a national historic site Chiayi Chenghuang Temple stage, originally donated by Chiayi merchant Mr. Lin Kuanmin in Taisho 11 (CE 1922). Due to the widening and refurbishment of the Chenghuang Temple, Lin Kuanmin’s eldest son, Lin Wenwen, bought the remaining structures and rebuilt it as a home on the current site of Taidou Street. Now that future generations can no longer live here, they plan to create a cultural and historical exhibition space and cooperate with the Cultural Affairs Bureau to restore it. The restoration project is currently carried out by Tainan master carpenter Xiao Shengren and others to carry out tasks such as replacement and imitation of beams. Xiao Shengren said that he has been engaged in the restoration of historic sites and temples for two or 30 years. Shimintang, which combines Chinese and Japanese styles of building materials and construction methods, is quite "worthy." Xiao Shengren speculated that when the stage was converted into a residence, Japanese masters should be asked for assistance, but was the color painting on the main beam painted at that time? The descendants of the Lin family only remember that the Japanese military flag was changed to the national flag. Others are no longer available. Lin Chaoji, head of the Cultural Assets Section of the Cultural Affairs Bureau, said that it is necessary to investigate the painting era of the national flag, which can be traced back to 1940, which is about 80 years ago. [Shimintang] is a rare Taiwanese style building in southern Fujian that incorporates Japanese-style building materials and construction methods. Later, the homeowner adjusted the layout of living needs and added partitions with Japanese-style bamboo mortar walls and squeezed stone magnetic brick walls. The windows on both sides were kept for days. The unique "tobukuro" of the style house, that is, the anti-slab storage area, and the use of Japanese unique construction method "chasing tenon" to join the truss wood, etc. At present, Lin House has restored the early stage structure by "repairing the old as the old" method. The restoration process is full of surprises. The main beams of the main hall of the Lin House are clearly visible. The Tai Chi and Eight Diagrams are painted in the center, and there are two national flags of the Republic of China. Lin Lianghua, a descendant of the Lin family, said that there was once a Japanese military flag and a national flag, which were later changed to the national flag to celebrate Taiwan's recovery.
漢恩吳 on Google

斗栱座是中式建築中式建築中很重要的元素,由其是梁柱要去乘載屋頂重量時,如何用一支柱子可以承重那麼重的屋頂,斗栱座成了很重要的建築結構,宋朝李誡所編著的營造法式一書有詳細介紹,只是我們如今的人大部分都看不懂,只能另外看梁思成所注的版本,而如今時敏堂的整修,剛好讓我們看見中國古典式樣建築的各處巧妙,相信這整修過程中,廖建築師也非常大器,將整修過程開放出來提供給有心學習的朋友參觀。 有關中國古典式樣的建築形式,日後漢恩慢慢學習再和大家分享,不過光是這斗拱,從上頭的慢拱、瓜子拱、泥道拱、騎批拱等,整體下來精彩非常,也看得出監造在工地安全經營上的努力,才能放心開放給大家來學習。 另外,各位看倌,可否有注意到時敏堂梁上的八卦排列,雖是先天八卦,但由人站下方往上看,是反過來的,由空中往下看,才是正的先天八卦,適合原因,待我研究後在跟大家說。 最後加上幾頁四庫全書內所編撰之營造式法內頁,看看能否吸引大家有興趣一起來研究中國古典式樣建築。
Dougong seat is a very important element in Chinese architecture. When the beams and columns are used to carry the weight of the roof, how to use a pillar to bear such a heavy roof, the dougong seat has become a very important building structure. The book "French Style" compiled by Li Jie of the Song Dynasty has a detailed introduction, but most of us today don't understand it. We can only look at the version noted by Liang Sicheng. The renovation of Shi Mintang now just allows us to see the classical Chinese style. The various parts of the building are ingenious. I believe that Architect Liao was also very powerful during the renovation process and opened up the renovation process to friends who are interested in learning. Regarding the architectural forms of Chinese classical styles, Hann will slowly learn and share with you in the future, but only this bucket arch, from the upper slow arch, melon seed arch, mud road arch, riding batch arch, etc., overall is very exciting, also see Only by drawing up the efforts of supervision and manufacturing in the safety operation of the construction site, can we rest assured that we can open it up for everyone to learn. In addition, everyone, have you noticed the arrangement of the gossip on the beams of Shimintang? Although it is innate gossip, it is the other way to look up from the bottom of the person standing down. Looking down from the air, it is the right innate gossip. The suitable reason will be discussed with you after I study it. Finally, add a few pages of the built-in method compiled in the Siku Quanshu to see if it can attract everyone's interest in studying Chinese classical architecture together.

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