鵝鑾鼻特產店 - Hengchun Township

3.6/5 基於 8 評論

Contact 鵝鑾鼻特產店

地址 :

946, Taiwan, Pingtung County, Hengchun Township, Dengta Rd, 87號鵝鑾鼻特產店

電話 : 📞 +88888
城市 : Dengta Rd

946, Taiwan, Pingtung County, Hengchun Township, Dengta Rd, 87號鵝鑾鼻特產店
Felix Tsai on Google

The shells inside can be picked up from the outside, but you can still buy drinks and drink them when they are hot.
曹承洺 on Google

When visiting the Eluanbi Lighthouse, you can buy a drink and rest here
林德雄 on Google

On a hot summer day, there is such a shop in Eluanbi Lighthouse. Fortunately, there are drinks and ice products sold in it. It is really cool to buy some popsicles to cool off the heat.
陳大宇 on Google

有夠誇張! 買個河魨竟要500元, 用一堆話術說什麼沒人在做了、 純台灣手工做的、門口的紀念品店都是大陸做的.... 結果去入口商家一問,一隻只要50元... 對!你沒看錯!1/10的價格而已, 重點是,入口商家說,園區內的東西也是跟他家進貨的, 呵呵!我果然是盤子
Exaggerated enough! It costs 500 yuan to buy a puffer fish, Use a lot of words to say that no one is doing it, Handmade in Taiwan, the souvenir shop at the door is made in the mainland... As a result, when I went to the importer, it only cost 50 yuan per piece... Correct! You read that right! 1/10 of the price, The point is that the importer said that the things in the park are also purchased from his family. Ha ha! I really am a plate
張廣順 on Google

Souvenir prices are much more expensive than outside, it is recommended to buy outside, the same thing spreads 70
阿勝 on Google

Very retro specialty shop with many handicrafts. Compared with other commercial and mass-produced specialty shops, it is very distinctive.
JOE J on Google

貝殼,化石,高檔的紅珊瑚, 貨真價實,值得推薦, 這次買了鸚鵡貝,全店只有一對, 曬照分享。
Shells, fossils, high-grade red corals, It is genuine and worthy of recommendation, I bought parrot shells this time, there is only one pair in the store. Share photos.
阿翔Hsiang on Google

鵝鑾鼻燈塔區裡面 唯一的商店...開很久了 不管什麼時候來 小時候甚至現在長大了.每次來都必買冰. 在店家外面吃冰看燈塔 很享受. 微微的海風 吃冰 看燈塔和草皮 只有讚~
The only shop in the Eluanbi Lighthouse area... has been open for a long time No matter when you come, when I was young or even now I have grown up, I have to buy ice every time I come. Enjoy eating ice outside the store and watching the lighthouse. The slight sea breeze, eating ice, watching the lighthouse and the turf, it’s only praise~

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